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Крісло колісне з ручним керуванням

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Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01

Підйом і обертання інвалідного крісла Благополуччя поворотного сидіння для вашої турботи Електричний підйомник можна використовувати в позашляховику -BZ-L01

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  • Подібна продукція
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01
Робоча напруга: 12 В постійного струму
10 градусів
Час осені: 24-30
6 см
Номінальна потужність: 120 Вт
Час підйому: 24-30 с
Може переміщатися вбік
Час обертання: 4-6 с
Літієва батарея Sanyuan
Максимальне навантаження: 150 кг
6 км/год
Час вперед: 16-20 с
6 см
Клас безпеки: IP67
Назад у часі: 16-20 с
Кут повороту: 0-113 градусів
Максимальна опущена висота: 395 мм
Повний максимальний робочий струм: 17А
Статичний струм сну: менше або дорівнює 0,3 мА
42 см X 42 см
Шум: менше 70 дм під час роботи
10-дюймове всеспрямоване колесо
Час, необхідний для роботи одного циклу
близько 2 хв.
Розмір упаковки:

Електрична версія: 128 * 80 * 60 см
Ручна версія: 128 * 80 * 40 см

Bangbang Robot Power chair електричний інвалідний візок для пересування інвалідний візок-Beiz-01

Робоча напруга: 12 В постійного струму
Час осені: 24-30
Номінальна потужність: 120 Вт
Час підйому: 24-30 с
Час обертання: 4-6 с
Максимальне навантаження: 150 кг
Час вперед: 16-20 с
Клас безпеки: IP67
Назад у часі: 16-20 с
Кут повороту: 0-113 градусів
Максимальна опущена висота: 395 мм
Повний максимальний робочий струм: 17А
Статичний струм сну: менше або дорівнює 0,3 мА
Шум: менше 70 дм під час роботи
Час, необхідний для роботи одного циклу: близько 2 хвилин.
Розмір упаковки:
Електрична версія: 128 * 80 * 60 см
Ручна версія: 128 * 80 * 40 см
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 manufacture
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 details
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 supplier
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 manufacture
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 manufacture
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 factory
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 supplier
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 supplier
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 factory
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 factory
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 supplier
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 details
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 manufacture
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 factory
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 details
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 manufacture
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 manufacture
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 details
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 details
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 details
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 factory
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 manufacture
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 details
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 supplier
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 details
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 factory
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 supplier
Lifting and rotating wheelchair Welfare of the lift rotating seat for your caring Electric lift can be used in SUV -BZ-L01 supplier


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